Translation Blogs

July 15, 2011

Twitter and Games?Hmmm…

Posted by david
Twitter to give game developers the technical support is obviously not as good…
Interesting discussion of Chinese characters in Japanese
July 15, 2011

Interesting discussion of Chinese characters in Japanese

Posted by Kafori
Now here will talk about interesting characters by two jokes.
July 15, 2011

Question and Answer about eBook Translation

Posted by alan
CCJK offers accurate and professional translation for your books / eBooks in all…
July 14, 2011


Posted by Benjamin
图片的处理是网页优化的一个不可忽视的部分。图片作为网页的重要组件,对搜索引擎来说同样重要,甚至直接影响搜索引擎的爬取。为了不让图片影响搜索引擎的结果,合理的设置就势在必行了。下面就讲讲word press中图片设置的几个基本原则: 1、在word press中,图片最好不要有超链接。这样跳转链接搜索引擎可是不会欣赏。 2、在插入图片时,先对图片的Alt进行编辑,一定要有Alt的文字替代。这样做是因为一旦图片不显示,有这么一段Alt文字可以让读者知道这里原来的图片是干什么的。 3、添加图片说明。不用多说,这么做也是做给搜索引擎蜘蛛人看的,让蜘蛛人知道这个图片是什么。 4、图片文件名适量的关键词。图片文件名不应该是长长的关键词,不论是组合还是堆砌都是不合理的。同时也不要用一个字母简单表示,凸显意义还是要的。比如imge1.jpg,这样的命名就没什么价值了。 5、图片格式采用标准化。最好使用jpg、png。 6、将图片放在一个单独的目录中,比如使用图层flickr。 处理好这些步骤,基本上word press中的图片优化就完成了,既可以满足搜索引擎蜘蛛人的搜索习惯,又能增强用户体验,细水长流,效果就会出来。
July 14, 2011

Question and Answer about DTP services

Posted by alan
CCJK provides specialist multilingual DTP services on well configured hardware and software systems.…
July 14, 2011

Index and rank by Korean search engines

Posted by alan
Task: Please arrange for the two major Korean Search engines to index and…

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