Translation Blogs

January 18, 2011

About Foreign Business in China and some Rare Languages

Posted by elton
China, a lucrative market full of opportunities, is attracting more and more attention…
January 18, 2011


Posted by Amy.Chen
2011年带着一股冷空气呼啸而来,老板为了体恤大家过冬不容易,组织大家齐齐织“围脖”。 开博第一篇,首先应该来一篇工作日记的,既是对2010年结束的一个总结,也是 2011年的一个展望。 在这一年中,进入CCJK合计是9个月,也就是3个季度,也可以说是3/4年。在这段时间中, 从刚刚开始的啥也不懂,因为是要使用English写邮件,而我本人,实在是惭愧,英语水平很一般。刚开始还闹出笑话,一般到了周末,我是比客户都兴奋, (小孩子嘛,喜欢放假)所以在给客户回复邮件的时候,都会很开心的人家说:周末快乐!本该是:Have a nice weekend! 结果呢,我却跟人家说:Have a nice weaken!…
January 18, 2011

Arabic language Translation Services

Posted by james
Arabic belongs to the Semitic language family and the earliest records of this…
January 18, 2011

Crioulo language Translation

Posted by may
The settlement of several groups of Portuguese merchants and Lançados (mixed-raced settlers) in…
January 18, 2011

Thai Language Translation Services

Posted by susanna
About the Thai language The Thai language, or Standard Thai, Central Thai or…
January 18, 2011

Vietnamese Language Translation Service

Posted by joanna
Vietnamese translation The language, Vietnamese, which is widely spoken by almost 90% Vietnamese…

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