Translation Blogs

January 27, 2011

The Italian Language Translation Services

Posted by chris
The Italian language belongs to the Romance languages, which means that it derived…
January 27, 2011

Niuean Language Translation Services

Posted by ruth
Professional Niuean Translation Service for You
January 27, 2011

Punjabi-The Language Easy to Learn

Posted by joanna
CCJK, located in Shenzhen, China, the Asian region, has always focused on providing…
January 26, 2011


Posted by Amy.Chen
货币的时间价值 货币的时间价值(Time value of money)这个概念认为,目前拥有的货币比未来收到的同样金额的货币具有更大的价值,因为目前拥有的货币可以进行投资,在目前到未来这段时间里获得复 利。即使没有通货膨胀的影响,只要存在投资机会,货币的现值就一定大于它的未来价值。 专家给出的定义:货币的时间价值就是指当前所持有的一定量货币比未来获得的等量货币具有更高 的价值。从经济学的角度而言,现在的一单位货币与未来的一单位货币的购买力之所以不同,是因为要节省现在的一单位货币不消费而改在未来消费,则在未来消费 时必须有大于一单位的货币可供消费,作为弥补延迟消费的贴水。 货币时间价值产生的原因 1、货币时间价值是资源稀缺性的体现 经济和社会的发展要消耗社会资源, 现有的社会资源构成现存社会财富,利用这些社会资源创造出来的将来物质和文化产品构成了将来的社会财富,由于社会资源具有稀缺性特征,又能够带来更多社会…
January 26, 2011

CCJK Tigrinya Language Translation

Posted by elton
Your satisfaction is our goal.
January 25, 2011

Faroese Language Translation

Posted by liz
Do you need a Faroese translation service or want to know something about…

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