Translation Blogs

February 16, 2011

CCJK Chinese auction website design solution

Posted by james
Nowaday, sites like eBay and Taobao have used auction website design to turn…
February 15, 2011

How to Protect Part of Content in MS Word

Posted by alan
When Project Managers prepare a file for translation, they would often encounter the…
February 14, 2011

Palauan Language Tralsnation

Posted by tina
Brief Introduction of Palau and Palauan Republic of Palau (Beluu er a Belau)…
February 13, 2011

Legal translation service

Posted by nancy
Are you annoyed at finding the best qualified and trustworthy translation agency? CCJK…
February 13, 2011

Architecture translation service

Posted by nancy
Nowadays, with the development of modernized and globalized construction, the architecture translation service…
February 11, 2011


Posted by carl
今天安装了一个网络相关文章插件,结果导致前台空白显示不出,停用并且删除该插件后还是无法解决问题,以为是主题和插件冲突,又把主题也还原了,问题还是无法解决,经过来回折腾后无果,好在对网站做了相关备份,决定还原整个博客网站,程序全部还原后,终于解决问题。 这个插件在自己的博客上用的好好的,不知道为什么安装在公司的博客上就出问题,我的博客和公司的博客wordpress版本都是一样的,主题不一样,从测试这个插件到出问题到还原,来回折腾了一天,把我呛的,得出的结论是:wordpress安装新插件一定得小心翼翼。 现把wordpress备份与还原的过程总结一下。 1. 备份好博客的程序文件 这个用FTP软件把博客程序整个下载下来就可以了。 2. 备份好用户账号和文章 趁着博客没出问题前、在升级插件程序前、在安装新主题插件前,最好在博客后台先备份好文章和用户数据。 方法进入后台–“工具”–“导出”,导出的文件为XML格式文件,如果重新安装了博客程序还可以通过导入这些文件恢复文章和用户以及分类目录等等。 3. 备份好博客数据库 这个进入phpmyadmin数据库导出相关数据表就可以了,有些插件可能会修改数据库,所以最好备份一下。…

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