Translation Blogs

February 18, 2011

Skills Of Game Localization

Posted by david
Want to expand the user base? Localization of the games is an excellent…
February 18, 2011

matt cutts:An interesting essay on search neutrality

Posted by carl
(Just as a reminder: while I am a Google employee, the following post…
February 18, 2011

Medical Translation Services

Posted by nancy
Are you in need of a Medical Translation Service? Are you annoyed at…
February 17, 2011

Tag Operation in TagEditor

Posted by cici
TagEditor is an useful computer assisted translation tool provided by SDL Trados. And…
February 16, 2011


Posted by sophie
今天一客户发觉他们的网站下拉式导航条被下面的动画给覆盖了,其实这样的问题先前在修改公司网站动画时也碰到过.其实要解决这个问题不难,先前解决我公司网站的时候处理的方法是在包含动画的那层加上两句样式:position: relative; z-index:-100;今天客户那网站则是修改动画的透明度来解决的.主要就是wmode=transparent 这个参数. 以前知道通过这个可以改变透明度,但一直没有运用在实际操作当中.今日看到解决得还很不错的,顺便搜索和总结了一下其它的动画修改参数来改变动画性质的一些相关属性. https://../***.wmv”>
February 16, 2011

Websites Design and Localization by CCJK

Posted by elton
Websites Design;Websites Localization; CCJK;Chinese customers; China; smart phones ; 3G technology

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