Translation Blogs

March 9, 2011

Desktop Publishing

Posted by ruby
The CCJK is a professional team that is dedicated to desktop publishing(DTP), graphic…
March 9, 2011

Doing More Exercise

Posted by tina
As dusk approaches, residents in my hometown gradually gather together in the local…
March 9, 2011

Women and Money

Posted by felicity
It was women’s day yesterday. That meant nothing to me except a good…
March 9, 2011

Details Matter—Space

Posted by cici
Discussions about Spaces Now, please have a look at your keyboard. Which is…
March 8, 2011

Several Principles about Medical Translating

Posted by felicity
I am mainly in charge of medical translation. Medical literature is a very…
March 7, 2011

Some Chinese Food that most of Korean can’t eat

Posted by siina
There are some Chinese food that most of Korean can’t eat. If you…

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