Translation Blogs

March 22, 2011

Trados course for newcomer with diagrammatic express

Posted by siina
First, make a simple introduction about TRADOS.TRADOS is a translation memory software, which…
March 21, 2011

Several Steps to Improve Translation by Better Target Language Skills

Posted by felicity
I always think that translating is more about the translator’s target language skill…
March 21, 2011

Introduction on Lean Six Sigma

Posted by tracy
Key to Improvement 改善的关键点 If we cannot express what we know in numbers,…
March 21, 2011

What makes an agreement enforceable?

Posted by Benjamin
An entrepreneur should recognize the differences between different kinds of agreements. With a…
March 21, 2011

English Slang and Translation

Posted by tina
Slang is a very informal spoken language with abundant cultural backgrounds. When people…
March 21, 2011


Posted by carl
选目前市面上有很多CMS系统在设计时考虑了SEO优化,如中文的dede(织梦)、帝国,英文的joomla、drupal等,有的系统自身做了搜索引擎友好度的调整,有的需要安装插件。另外还有博客系统如wordpress、z-blog,百科系统如wikipedie、互动百科在SEO方面都做的很好,特别是百科在内链建设,标题规范化方面是经典。 可以说现有的系统是很充分考虑到SEO在网站设计中的重要性的,但是完美实现SEO效果的CMS系统目前还没有出现,那么现有的CMS等系统在SEO方面表现有哪些特点,以及要更完美的实现SEO效果在开发时要注意哪些要素?下面总结一下从SEO角度出发,在开发网站时应该具备哪些功能: 1. 页面标题客制化 首先,CMS系统应该自动生成比较优化的页面标题,如分类页面采用: 分类名称 – 网站名称 产品页面(文章页面): 产品名称(文章标题)- 分类名称 – 网站名称…

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