Translation Blogs

April 15, 2011


Posted by sophie
April 14, 2011

Risk factors and risk management in translation and localization project

Posted by alan
Risk could bet high if no sufficient forecast and management in advance in…
April 14, 2011

Improve the Target Language Skill

Posted by felicity
As we all know, doing translation means you have to be proficient in…
April 14, 2011


Posted by simon
曾经每当看到有些网站使用了一些漂亮的字体,但却找不到相关的字体,无奈只能截个图,放在Photoshop里,一个一个字体匹配,最终都找到相应的字体,只能感叹别人网页做的好看,许多网页设计者说。 引用漂亮的字体以不是什么难事了,最近由于浏览了许多网站,查看了很多资料,无意中看到了一篇what font文章,它介绍了关于怎么可以很快的知道对方网站在用了什么字体,最后我小试了一下,发现效果不错,现拿出来与大家分享一下。 好了,就不多在这扯淡了,看图说话。 1.在浏览器地址栏内输入这个网址,打开后将看到 2.将whatFont拖到标签栏里 3.打开需要访问的网站(例如 具体操作如图: 操作很容易吧,呵呵,就是这么容易。 希望通过此方法让我们不在为查寻字体而苦恼。
April 14, 2011

Game market in Middle East

Posted by david
Game market in Middle East Before we talk about the market in Middle…
April 14, 2011

Something about Query

Posted by cici
Now and then, we often come across some words or sentences that are…

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