Translation Blogs

April 25, 2011

Adverbs Deformation during translation

Posted by joanna
Adverbs translation In English, there are many different forms of adverbs, which could…
April 25, 2011

CCJK,your key element to expand into asian market

Posted by david
Online game industry is a new sunrise industries, has experienced the formation of…
April 25, 2011

The entry explanation of Trados translation software, must-read for us beginners 2

Posted by minnie
This time, we will continue the topic about the entry explanation of Trados…
My Opinions About Learning English
April 25, 2011

My Opinions About Learning English

Posted by felicity
English is well established as the most useful world language. The largest demand…
April 25, 2011

Businese letters in english

Posted by siina
(1)贵函 Your letter; Your favour; your esteemed letter; Your esteemed favour; Your valued…
April 22, 2011

the translations of "shall" in Law English

Posted by nancy
现有英语合同和合同译文中的shall,在汉语中有很多种译法,通常被译作“须”、“应”,有时被译成“应当”,也有时译成“要”、“将”、“可”,还有时被译成“必须”,甚至被完全忽略不译。 请见以下示例: 例1 The Chief justice of the Court of Final Appeal and…

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