Translation Blogs

June 11, 2011

The way to make perfect bilingual translation file without translation tags

Posted by icy
Some times, the end client doesn’t use Trados , they will ask you…
June 11, 2011

Brief introduction- workflow for Project Manager

Posted by joanna
To let our client be satisfied with our translation service, not only the…
June 10, 2011

Clients development and maintainance

Posted by victor
Being a salesman, my job is to introduce our services to those potiential…
June 9, 2011


Posted by carl
[导读]对于百度蜘蛛,英文名baiduspider,我们可以理解为百度的小兵们,这就是庞然大物就是靠这些小兵们执行它的抓取任务的。对于百度蜘蛛,英文名baiduspider,我们可以理解为百度的小兵们,这就是庞然大物就是靠这些小兵们执行它的抓取任务的。 不过,被皇帝抓,那是要坐牢的;被百度抓,那是种荣誉。 做SEO的,这辈子求的,就是手上的网站多被百度手上的蜘蛛们抓抓,越抓越健康~ 所以,我们要了解:怎么被它抓到?怎么被它抓到得越多?怎么被它一直在抓? 下面我们开始分析,在分析前,我们先要说百度蜘蛛的一些工作原理: 1、百度蜘蛛是顺着链接跑来跑去的; 2、百度蜘蛛喜欢新的内容,它跟人一样喜新厌旧; 3、百度蜘蛛在一个网站上待的时间有限,可以了解为跑段时间就不想跑了; 4、百度蜘蛛到一个网页上,需要多来几次才考虑收不收; 5、百度蜘蛛跑一个网页上次数多一次,权重就会高一次; 6、百度蜘蛛喜欢结构代码简单(足够单纯)的网页,估计以前谈恋爱被骗了,现在只喜欢单纯的姑娘。所以网页别把它搞晕; OK,了解了它的属性后,我们回归以前我们教的SEO,看看那些现象背后的原理: 1、我们为什么需要创造原创的文章?…
June 8, 2011

How import wine to create value in translation? (1)

Posted by minnie
There is a saying in word translation industry: good work is lost in…
June 8, 2011

Contrast Analysis on Translation version and Edited Version I

Posted by tracy
I have been in linguist department for three weeks, though there is a…

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