Translation Blogs

June 24, 2011

No need using “Don’t” to express “Forbidden”

Posted by siina
It is similar with Chinese that there are many different ways to express…
June 23, 2011

Some featured SEO tools we should know

Posted by carl
There are so many seo tools sound interesting and can help us when…
June 23, 2011

Ways to a professional RM (III)

Posted by anita
As everything in life, to turn into a professional RM it is required…
June 23, 2011

Bright future for China’s translation industry

Posted by victor
I work for CCJK, a leading translation and localization company as a salesman…
June 23, 2011

Study on some terms

Posted by tracy
Study on “Beizi” In Chinese, there is variety of “Beizi” in the category…
June 23, 2011

Google Adwords分析-地理位置投放

Posted by carl
通常我们说的adwords就是指google adwords,是一种点击付费的(PPC)关键词广告,此广告投放到各种网站上,无论地理位置时间国界。那么我们怎么确定adwords在哪些地理位置上投放了我们的关键词广告呢,看google的官方帮助: “AdWords 系统会通过几个因素来决定是否展示您的广告: 1. 我们会考虑所使用的 Google 域(.fr、.de、.kr 等)。如果法国之外的用户访问了 Google 在法国的域名,则无论该用户当前处在什么位置,都会看到定位到法国的广告。如果法国境内的用户访问了,我们会考察其他信息(参见下文),从而根据其地理位置和兴趣更有针对性地定位广告。…

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