Translation Blogs

June 28, 2011

The Foreign Language in Japanese

Posted by Kafori
There are many foreign languages (mainly from The Europe and The America languages)…
June 28, 2011

Contrast Analysis on Translation version and Edited Version III

Posted by tracy
15,Sample size will be set to one if launch from ‘An Adobe URL’…
June 27, 2011

Tips of Advertising Translation from Chinese to English

Posted by liz
At present, the commercial advertisement in foreign trade is mainly translation from Chinese…
June 27, 2011

Interesting English translation(Ⅰ)

Posted by siina
Give me a break! 你得了吧。 Human being is a kind of strange animal.…
June 27, 2011

Silverlight or flash?

Posted by motta
毫无疑问,当今WEB前端技术,ADOBE占据了统治地位。RIA普及型深入方方面面,RIA是Rich Internet Applications的缩写,翻译成中文为富因特网应用程序(Macromedia中文网站翻译为Rich Internet应用程序)。Adobe自有套件flash。 Microsoft Silverlight是微软所发展的 Web 前端应用程序开发解决方案,是微软丰富型互联网应用程序(Rich Internet Application)策略的主要应用程序开发平台之一,以浏览器的外挂组件方式,提供 Web 应用程序中多媒体(含影音流与音效流)与高度交互性前端应用程序的解决方案,同时它也是微软 UX(用户经验)策略中的一环,也是微软试图将美术设计和程序开发人员的工作明确切分与协同合作发展应用程序的尝试之一。…
June 27, 2011

e-Learning trends in China and CCJK’s e-Learning translation and localization solutions

Posted by james
Online training (e-learning) is now becoming mainstream training tools for firms all over…

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