Translation Blogs

July 29, 2011

Basic Process in Translating

Posted by june
The procedures in translating involve background preparation and actual translating process. Basic process…
July 29, 2011

The Features of the Translation and Localization Service market in China

Posted by victor
1. There is great potential for the translation market in China. The estimated…
July 29, 2011

Ellipsis and Repetition in E-C Legal Translation

Posted by tina
Ellipsis in translation means some word or components in source language do not…
July 28, 2011

Where do better sales emails come from (Part 2)?

Posted by vivian
How to get Email Subject Lines Effective? As we all know people like…
July 27, 2011

Plan ABC for improving English Ability

Posted by june
English has been playing a more and more important role in people’s daily…
July 27, 2011

The Localization Service Sector in China at Dawn

Posted by victor
by Cui Qiliang Secretary-general of the Localization Service Committee of TACLocalization service sector…

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