Translation Blogs

Cultural Translation _Plants Symbolism Ⅳ
August 26, 2011

Cultural Translation _Plants Symbolism Ⅳ

Posted by susanna
Attaching symbolic value to plants, flowers, and trees is a phenomenon common to…
Translation of Double Negation
August 26, 2011

Translation of Double Negation

Posted by icy
Double negation has two distinct forms: one indicating euphemism and the other emphasis.…
August 26, 2011

Brief introduction to Trados

Posted by icy
Trados is the most common used CAT tool in the world; most of…
August 26, 2011

The comparison of color words between English and Chinese(II )

Posted by anita
Object color word itself has Prominent color, its name not only represents the…
Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry into English
August 26, 2011

Translation of Classical Chinese Poetry into English

Posted by minnie
China is one of the world’s earliest and most developed countries of poetry.…
August 26, 2011

Generalization and Specification

Posted by jane
Generalization (概略化, or 化实为虚) and specification (具体化, or 化虚为实) are two translation strategies,…

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