Translation Blogs

August 30, 2011

Korean culture — hanbok

Posted by siina
The traditional Korea dress, which is known as hanbok (한복, 韩服) has been…
August 30, 2011

Several Beginning methods of Debate

Posted by tina
Come straight to the point Some arguer illustrates his/her point of view directly…
August 29, 2011

Predicate Transform

Posted by joanna
Besides subjects, we also select the predicates for those sentences without obviously predicates.…
August 29, 2011

Localization and Translation Technology in the Chinese Context–3

Posted by victor
3. TRANSLATION TECHNOLOGY: PAST AND PRESENT Translation technology is defined as “the branch…
August 29, 2011

Localization and Translation Technology in the Chinese Context–2

Posted by victor
2.2 State of the Art Now that localization has been with us for…
August 29, 2011

Localization and Translation Technology in the Chinese Context-1

Posted by victor
1. INTRODUCTION Localization is mainly about customizing products and services like software, documentation,…

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