Translation Blogs

September 6, 2011


Posted by carl
【导读】为什么西方不信任中国?一个日渐强大的国家,但是没有人真正明白这个国家的人在说些什么,这个国家的历史也是模糊的,解释不清的。他们总会有些担心的。 【麦道/文】我通晓中文,略知英文。工作中每天用到两种语言,两种思维方式。有时会lost in translation。 中文并不是传达逻辑,科学和事实的精确语言。中文更适于表达情感,它表达的意义是模糊的,可以想象的。这一点我们的祖先已经发挥的很好了。我们古代的诗歌应该是最好的印证。讲英文的人觉得“my love is like a red red rose, that…
Common Localization Term and Explanations
August 31, 2011

Common Localization Term and Explanations

Posted by annie
Common Localization Term and Explainations There are many terms will appear in the…
Online help documentation localization projects
August 31, 2011

Online help documentation localization projects

Posted by annie
Online help documentation localization projects Online help documentation localization is an important component…
August 31, 2011

Translation Memory (TM) Server Guide

Posted by alan
Advantages to Using TM Server: The translation memory is updated in real time…
Some Thoughts About Happiness
August 31, 2011

Some Thoughts About Happiness

Posted by felicity
There is a book I read recently says that happiness comes from our…
A few words on starting at photography
August 31, 2011

A few words on starting at photography

Posted by alex
Shooting a picture is a wonderful time full of creativity and discovery, whatever…

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