Translation Blogs

Comparation for Translation
September 30, 2011

Comparation for Translation

Posted by stacy
编辑时,经常看到有些翻译在将英文翻译成中文时,非常喜欢翻译成长句,或者就是在一个动宾结构、系表结构之间插一个很长很长的修饰语,再或者就是名词前面有好几个带“的”的形容词,看的人眼花缭乱,也看不清楚这个句子到底是在表达什么意思。个人认为,翻译时,还是尽量把句子断开,形成短句,这样既不容易出错,别人看的也舒服,何乐而不为?以下是在编辑构成中摘录的一些句子,英文下面第一个句子都是原来的翻译,第二句是编辑后的句子,大家一起斟酌一下,希望有更好的版本的同学不吝赐教。 “This launch is an example of our commitment to continually address the…
Is Your Photo Blurry?
September 30, 2011

Is Your Photo Blurry?

Posted by alex
During the process of learning photography, everyone is destined to run up against…
Ten Ways to Excellent Business Writing-1
September 30, 2011

Ten Ways to Excellent Business Writing-1

Posted by june
Ten Steps to Good Business Writing-1 I have talked about the weakest links…
Literal Translation & Free Translation (Continued)
September 30, 2011

Literal Translation & Free Translation (Continued)

Posted by linda
However, sometimes you may find literal translation is not appropriate for delivering smooth…
Approaches of Translation: Literal Translation & Free Translation
September 30, 2011

Approaches of Translation: Literal Translation & Free Translation

Posted by admin
Translation includes the study of lexis, grammar, communication situation, and cultural nuances of…
Making preparation for Telephone Marketing
September 30, 2011

Making preparation for Telephone Marketing

Posted by june
Successful sales persons always take full advantages of telephone marketing. Then how to…

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