Translation Blogs

Several Typical Translation Mistakes
September 30, 2011

Several Typical Translation Mistakes

Posted by felicity
1) Pinpoint actions needed to address gaps between current and desired culture, engagement…
Translation of Law Term: As Of
September 30, 2011

Translation of Law Term: As Of

Posted by felicity
We always come across the law term “as of”. To translate this term…
September 30, 2011

The Usage of “as of”

Posted by felicity
“as of”是一个注明日期的行话。许多人认为这是注明日期的唯一方式,但是“as of”只能用来把某一件事情定在一个时间而在另一个时间承认这一事情。它常常用来赋予优惠溯及既往的效力。 For Example: A letter dated September 1 that promotes an…
What’s happening on June 29
September 30, 2011

What’s happening on June 29

Posted by stacy
Q: What’s happening on June 29? A: Keep this date free if you’re…
Another high for Wall Street
September 30, 2011

Another high for Wall Street

Posted by stacy
Q: Another high for Wall Street? A: Yes, indeed. Despite rising oil prices…
Three Ways to Create TM
September 30, 2011

Three Ways to Create TM

Posted by icy
Suppose there is a totally new project coming to you without TM, but…

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