Translation Blogs

How to use ApSIC Xbench
October 15, 2011

How to use ApSIC Xbench

Posted by annie
How to use ApSIC Xbench Xbench is a checking tool. This tools can…
How to Handle Long Sentences
October 15, 2011

How to Handle Long Sentences

Posted by joanna
There are many long sentences for English, which has many complicated structure, phrases…
Google PR
October 15, 2011

Google PR

Posted by Kevin
PR是PageRank的缩写.Google PR理论是所有基于链接的搜索引擎论中最有名的.SEO人员可能不清楚其他链接的理论.但不可能不知道PR. PR是Google创始人之一拉里佩奇发明的,用地表示页面重要性的概念.用最简单的话说就是,反向链接越多的页面就是越重要的页面,国此PR值也就越高. Google PR有点类似于科技文献中互相引用的概念,被其他文献引用较多的文献,很可能也是比较重要的文献. 这里只说说PR的概念和计算. 我们可以把互联网理解为由结点及链接组成的有向图,页面就是一个个结点,页面之间的有向链接传递着页面的重要性.一个链接传递的PR值决定于导入链接所在页面的PR值,发出链接的页面本身PR值越高,所能传递出去的PR也越高.传递的PR数值也取决于页面上的导出链接数目.对于给定PR值的页面来说,假设能传递到下级页面100份PR,页面上有10个导出链接,每个链接能传递10份PR,页面上有20个导出链接的话,每个链接只能传递5份PR.所以一个页面的PR值取决于导入链接总数,发出链接页面的PR值,以及发出链接页面上的导出链接数目. PR值计算公式是 PR(A)=(1-d)+d(PR(t1)/C(t1)+…+PR(tn)/C(tn) A代表页面A. PR(A)则代表页面A的PR值 d为阻尼指数。通常认为d=0.85 t1…tn…
About Advertising
October 15, 2011

About Advertising

Posted by Kafori
Advertising is the nonpersonal communication of information usually paid for and usually persuasive…
Report Translation 2
October 15, 2011

Report Translation 2

Posted by stacy
Q: The Chinese markets swooned again? A: China’s benchmark Shanghai Composite Index tumbled…
Report Translation 1
October 15, 2011

Report Translation 1

Posted by stacy
 Q: Not enough English schools in Hong Kong? A: Yes, according to…

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