Translation Blogs

November 28, 2013

Development Initiatives Ltd Case Study

Posted by Chelsea
About the project The client has an excellent report that needs Chinese typesetting.…
November 28, 2013

Design case study InstoneAsia

Posted by Grace
About Client Instone Asia specializes in international transport for horses, cattle and other…
Final Check of Translation Documents
November 28, 2013

Final Check of Translation Documents

Posted by emma.xiang
There is a professional Quality Assurance system in CCJK. For TEP (translation, editing,…
Choosing your Indonesian Translation vendor
November 26, 2013

Choosing your Indonesian Translation vendor

Posted by
Language Translation About Indonesian: Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesian) is a standardized register of Malay…
November 26, 2013


Posted by
所谓的微营销,并不是狭义上的微信营销。在未来,我们所谓的竞争,不再是产品的竞争、不再是渠道的竞争,而是资源整合、终端消费者的竞争。持有资源,持有消费者用户,不管我们经营什么产品,什么服务,都将无往而不利。 现阶段的交易不管你的商品多好,价格多低,当消费者得到满足的时候,这个交易就结束了。打个比方,如果有两家商店,一家成为会员后可以打折,另一家除了成为会员享受会员价之外,分享后朋友来买东西你还可以获利,你选哪一种?我相信只要不是傻瓜的话都会毫不犹豫的选第二种。 因此在我看来,微营销(微信、微博)的核心在于“关注”和“分享”,而我们更可以通过微营销直接持有消费者资源,把消费者和企业链接起来,从而使消费者从中获得实惠,让企业获得收益。 此外,常见的问题如电子商务网站引流和消费者忠诚度的问题,微营销的分享解决了,而终端消费者的问题,wifi覆盖率解决了。虽然CCJK的微博等微营销方式刚刚起步,但其光辉的前景却可以预见。
November 25, 2013

Menu Translation Case Study

Posted by Jolie.ben
About the project CCJK has powerful resources to deal with different kinds of…

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