Translation Blogs

Eurocom’s client – Kaba DE-JP Case Study
November 30, 2013

Eurocom’s client – Kaba DE-JP Case Study

Posted by Gigi.luo
About the project and Kaba the client Eurocom has around 50,000 words DE-JP…
Tips for Writing a Company Profile
November 30, 2013

Tips for Writing a Company Profile

Posted by Judy.zhang
Company profiles vary widely in length, but all contain several essential elements. When…
November 30, 2013


Posted by Alice
商务书信是指在日常的商务往来中用来传递信息、处理商务事宜及联络和沟通关系的文书或信函。中文中常用的商务信函主要有商洽函、询问函、答复函、联系函、请求函、告知函等等。日语中商务信也差不多是如此。本文主要说下日文商务信函的种类。 日文中的商务书信大致可以分为两大类:一是贸易性商务书信;一是社交性商务书信。贸易性商务书信指的是进行实质性贸易往来时所用的书信,包括的内容大致有以下几种:1.请求开展业务,同意或谢绝开展业务;2.请求报价,报价或回绝报价;3.推销商品;4.请求订货,同意或取消订货;5.有关信用证事宜;6.关于汇款;7.各种修改事宜;8.拜托;9.照会;10.取消;11.抗议;12.发货或到货通知;13.道歉;14.索赔;15.辩解;16.反驳;17.催促;等等。社交性商务书信指的是与实际性的贸易往来没有直接的关系,只是与贸易伙伴或者准贸易伙伴之间的普通社交往来所用的书信,主要包括:1.感谢信;2.祝贺信;3.邀请信;4.照会信;5.拜托信;6.慰问信;7.报告信;8.致意信;9.同意信;等等。
History of Translation and its Essence Today!
November 29, 2013

History of Translation and its Essence Today!

Posted by AZ Aizaz
History of Translation and its Essence Today! Numerous languages are being spoken globally…
Landmark Harcourts Report Translation Case Study
November 29, 2013

Landmark Harcourts Report Translation Case Study

Posted by Vicky
About the project The client has a report that need to be translated…
We Need Translations although We Have English
November 28, 2013

We Need Translations although We Have English

Posted by
It seems like English is the global language or even the language of…

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