Translation Blogs

January 15, 2014

Trados 翻译 Memoq 导出文件方法

Posted by Chinos
从 memoQ 导出双语 XLIFF文件 很多情形下,Memoq的用户需要与其他CAT工具使用者的用户合作。例如你需要你的译稿由未购买Memoq的译员进行校对。或者项目管理人员需要与外包团队合作,但是这个团队暂时还没启用Memoq。如果将会与你合作的人员使用的是兼容 Xliff 文件的CAT翻译工具,Memoq可以导出Xliff文件交给另外的翻译或校对人员。 想要创建 XLIFF 文件,选中你需要转换的文件,点击翻译界面的 Export bilingual ,然后选择memoQ…
January 15, 2014

Clean 文件后的一些注意事项

Posted by Sharon
1. 用 Trados2011 clean 后的 word 文件,引号会是西文字体,这时需要批量替换成宋体的,方法如下: 选中需要替换的内容,按住“Ctrl+F”,选“替换”,点击“更多”下面会出现更多的内容,将西文字体的引号输入“查找内容”中,并注意:替换为 后面的方框不需输入任何内容,格式里面的字体:中文和西文都需改成宋体,然后点击“全部替换”就可以了。 2. 如何去除类似这样的黑点: 如果只是按 “Backspace”…
New Year’s Resolutions
January 15, 2014

New Year’s Resolutions

Posted by emma.xiang
New Year begins and everyone makes promises to improve themselves which is called…
Proverb About the Horse
January 15, 2014

Proverb About the Horse

Posted by Muhammad Abdullah
Saddle up for a journey through the best horse proverbs! From courage to…
Advertisements Translation and Graphic Design Case Study
January 15, 2014

Advertisements Translation and Graphic Design Case Study

Posted by Vicky
About the Project: The client has 8 .pdf advertisements that need to be…
Case study Sercel-GRC
January 15, 2014

Case study Sercel-GRC

Posted by Grace
About the Client Sercel-GRC is a worldwide leader in downhole data acquisition and…

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