Translation Blogs

TagEditor Settings Specification and Tag Check
January 31, 2014

TagEditor Settings Specification and Tag Check

Posted by Jenny.guo
Trados 2007 is still very popular among translators and LSPs. To better perform…
January 29, 2014


Posted by Hana
因为文化差异,很多中文和英语成语的来源也不同,中文成语很多都与故事有关,而英文成语很多却与宗教有关。英语成语以其形象、生动等特点,坚固地确立了它在英语中的地位。和中文一样,不论是在书面语还是口语中,成语都发挥着举足轻重的作用。但是要将英文成语恰如其分地翻译成中文绝非易事。 如: John was in the seventh heaven yesterday. Seven heaven,字面意思“七重天”,于是很多人可能会望文生义联想到是不是归天了?于是可能会出现这类误译:1. 约翰昨天归西了。 2.…
January 28, 2014

On Handling of Attribute in E-C Translation

Posted by
Attribute is defined as those words which are used to modify nouns. The…
January 27, 2014

On IT English Translation Methods (I)

Posted by steve.zhang
Translation method of words in IT English The importance of vocabulary can never…
January 27, 2014

Case Study-Summary about Large Translation Project Process

Posted by emma.xiang
Source Files Client offered us Word files converted from PDF and also PDF…
January 27, 2014

XLZ File Translation Case Study

Posted by Vicky
About the project The client has a big file around 30,000 words that…

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