Translation Blogs

February 15, 2014

Lexical mistakes in second language

Posted by Judy.zhang
The important of vocabulary in second language writing is widely accepted, but there…
Case Study-Problems and Solutions in Converting from PDF to Word
February 15, 2014

Case Study-Problems and Solutions in Converting from PDF to Word

Posted by emma.xiang
On the one hand, it is common that there are converting among different…
February 14, 2014


Posted by Alice
集团意识可以说是日本人最具特点的国民性,他们特别注重团队协作。日本企业一个突出的特点是处处强调一个企业就是一个大家庭、一个命运共同体。企业为职工尽心尽力,职工为企业尽职尽责。在这样的大家庭当中,每个成员都是平等的。他们创造了很多规范职工行为、调动职工为维护团队精神而努力的管理思想和 方法。 诸如:提倡“和为贵”的思想,彬彬有礼的言行,实行使职工有归属感的终身雇佣制与年功序列制,激励职工不断进取的选拔人才制度,发动职工献计献策的 提案制度。日本企业的经营者乃至董事会,几乎把职工生活的安定作为维护团队精神的重要内容。例如,企业要裁剪人员,也尽力对职工重新就业负责;凡是能再本 厂安排的,就在内部调动;内部安排不下的,有时连经理、厂长也出面负责联系调动其他企业。 为何如此注重团队精神?就其根源,可以说与其稻作文化紧密联系。因稻作不同于广种薄收、靠天吃饭的旱田耕作,兴修水利、插秧收割等都需要集体劳动和合作,由此形成了农村共同体,产生了集团意识。而其传统的家族制度也是产生其注重团队精神的另一重要原因… 任何企业和家族都应该注重这种团队精神的培养…
Sue Ryder Case Study
February 14, 2014

Sue Ryder Case Study

Posted by Chelsea
About the project: The Client has an English guide to bereavement that need…
Culture vacancy
February 14, 2014

Culture vacancy

Posted by
A. What is Culture vacancy? In 1950s, C.Hockett, an American linguist, found the…
Uncommon Meanings of Common Words
February 14, 2014

Uncommon Meanings of Common Words

Posted by Jim.huang
As English majored undergraduates and translators, we all have a basic and comprehensive…

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