Translation Blogs

February 27, 2014

C-Office Resource User Guide

Posted by Sean.wu
February 26, 2014

Ideographic Forms in English

Posted by Jim.huang
Before discussing the ideographic forms in English, we need to learn two terms…
February 26, 2014


Posted by Ekman
现代心理语言学指出,语言行为是一种认知过程而非孤立的符号串制造。这一理论,构成现代巴黎释意学派的基础之一。 我国古代文学家也有言:意在文之先,同时指出注意避免“以辞害意”。显然,无论东方西方,“意”都是语言行为的核心。 在“意”之中,“意图”往往决定着语言流的发出。如果将人比作手枪、语言比作子弹、“意”比作目标,那么语言初迹就好比是瞄准这个动作。正确地把握语言初迹,能让我们更好地把握语言的目标,从而脱离语言外壳,直指核心。 比如下面一段话(摘自刘和平的《口译技巧》一书): …Approximately 33% of the deaths in the pre-school age…
February 25, 2014

The Statement Structure of SQL (PartⅡ)

Posted by
Introduction of SQL SQL, short for Structured Query Language, which is a programming…
February 25, 2014

On Translation of Technical Manuals (II)

Posted by steve.zhang
Search: First search for the Chinese website of the company who publishes the…
Understanding of HTML Semantization II
February 24, 2014

Understanding of HTML Semantization II

Posted by Gigi.luo
In the blog Understanding of HTML SemantizationI, I talked about the first reason…

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