Translation Blogs

Reasons for amplifying translator’s subjectivity and creativity
February 28, 2014

Reasons for amplifying translator’s subjectivity and creativity

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It is inevitable for translators to give play to their subjectivity and creativity…
HBDI Case study
February 28, 2014

HBDI Case study

Posted by Grace
About the client Ned Herrmann, he is the founder of Herrmann International and…
Case Study- How to carry out translation procedure strictly and with flexibility.
February 28, 2014

Case Study- How to carry out translation procedure strictly and with flexibility.

Posted by emma.xiang
We all know that quality control is crucial in translation industry and it…
Case study-Book Design
February 28, 2014

Case study-Book Design

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In the project Book Design, what most impressed me is service attitude! For…
February 28, 2014


Posted by Alice
汇款方式有汇款、信用证、分期支付、延期支付等多种。 汇款方式就是付款人根据合同条款,从银行或者其他途径将贷款邮寄给对方的方式。其中包括M/T(电汇)、T/T(信汇)和D/D(票汇)三种。这也叫“顺汇”。根据时间的不同,汇款也可以分为预付和赊销。 信用证(L/C)支付就是信用证开证银行按照进口方式的要求和指示,向出口人保证在一定期限内,根据规定的文件,可在指定银行领取一定金额的贷款,并保证通过银行支付的汇款方式,是现今国际贸易中的一种主要的结算方式。信用证实际是银行作出的有条件的付款承诺。 分期付款一般是在签约后一定期限内先付定金,剩余部分分几次付清。 延期付款就是买房先付定金,以后在商品生产中或交货时再付部分贷款,剩余的大部分贷款可在交完贷款以后再付。 在进出口业务中所使用的贷款结算方式除了上面所说的信用证支付和汇付之外,还有托收这种主要方式。托收是出口商为了向进口商为了向进口商收取贷款,开立汇票委托银行代收的结算方式,可以分为贷款交单(D/P)和承兑交单(D/A)两种。
Pharmacology Regulatory Documentation Linguistic Review Case Study
February 28, 2014

Pharmacology Regulatory Documentation Linguistic Review Case Study

Posted by Chelsea
About the project The client has a set of pharmacology documents that need…

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