最近频发的单身女性遇害案引人关注,坐黑车是其中的主要原因之一。单上个月就发生了 2 起—8 月 20 日,重庆搭错车女学生遭司机杀害; 8 月 27 日,女大学生在济南火车站搭黑车被司机囚禁性虐 4 天。如何才能避免这样的事情发生呢?不少国家的创业者都想到了推出女性专用出租车的点子。而纽约的一家创业公司马上也要加入这一行列。
Recently, the frequent murder cases of single woman has been a growing concern, of which the main reason is taking unlicensed taxis, including two in last month: On August 20, a girl student who took a wrong taxi was murdered by the driver; on August 27, a college girl who took an unlicensed taxi was found having been imprisoned and sexually abused by the driver for 4 days. How to avoid the occurrence of such cases? Entrepreneurs from some countries have considered to provide taxi services exclusive for women. An entrepreneurial firm from New York is about to join them.
这家创业公司的名字叫做 SheTaxis,创始人是 Stella Mateo,有两个女儿的妈妈。这是一项司机和乘客均为女性的出租车服务,跟很多国家的女性专用出租车服务一样,SheTaxis 也使用粉红色作为标识色—女性司机均身着粉红色的披肩围巾。所不同的是,女性用户将通过安装在智能手机上的 app 叫车,以捆绑信用卡或借记卡的方式付费给这家公司,然后再由公司转账给司机。这个流程与 Uber、Lyft、滴滴打车、快的打车等类似。
This firm named SheTaxis is established by Stella Mateo who has two daughters. With woman drivers providing taxi service for woman passengers, SheTaxis uses pink as the color identification, just like the women-only taxi service in many countries, — all its woman drivers wear pink shawls or scarves. What’s different is that woman passengers call these taxis with app in their smartphone and pay to this company with the tied credit cards or debit cards and then the company will transfer the payments to the drivers. This process is similar to Uber, Lyft, Didi Taxi and Kuai Dadi Taxi.
尽管这是一项女性专用的出租车服务,但 SheTaxis 采取了比较灵活的联营方式。任何人均可通过 SheTaxis 叫车,用户使用其 app 叫车时,app 会事先询问乘客中是否有女性,如果回答没有则会把请求重定向到其他出租车服务。
Although this is a woman-only taxi service, SheTaxis applies a more flexible way of joint operation. Anybody can call a taxi with SheTaxis app which will ask whether there is any woman passenger in advance and will redirect the request to other taxi services in case of receiving the response of no woman passenger.
Stella 创办公司有两个目的。
Stella establishes this company for two purposes:
一是保证女性乘客和司机的安全。如前面所述,一方面黑车的存在是女性安全的重大隐患,另一方面尽管出租行业推出了不少安全手段,如司乘隔离、安全摄像头、GPS 定位等,但是司机乘客遇害现象还是时有发生。一个纯女性的服务环境对于司乘双方而言都会更有安全感。
The first is to protect woman passengers and drivers. As described above, on one hand, the existence of unlicensed taxis can be a serious potential safety hazard of women and on the other hand, in spite of many safety measures, such as separation of driver and passenger, security camera and GPS positioning, the murder cases of drivers and passengers occur occasionally. A woman-only service environment will increase the sense of safety of both drivers and passengers.
From: The 36Kr
Translated by Steve, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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