由日本电视放送网(以下简称日视)提出的专属电视业界的 O2O 的进化版—— O2O2O(On Air to Online to Offline)模式 ,让电视节目与虚拟平台、实体消费相结合 。 O2O、用户数据分析和精准营销,这些“高大上”的概念一直是互联网行业的专利。日本电视放送网推出的 O2O2O 模式,通过电视与手机的双屏互动,让电视媒体也能实现这些功能,不失为媒体转型的一条新路。
Nippon Television Network Corporation (hereinafter referred to as NTV) has launched the improved O2O exclusive to TV industry – O2O2O (On Air to Online to Offline) Model, which combines TV programmes with virtual platforms and physical consumption. “High-end” concepts like O2O, user data analysis and accurate marketing are exclusive to Internet industry all the time. The O2O2O model launched by Nippon Television Network Corporation enables TV media to provide these functions by the interaction between TV and mobile phones, which, may be accepted as a new means of transforming media.
模式本身概念是这样:观众在客厅看电视,开启智能手机上频道专属的 APP 。在主要节目与剧情进展的同时,手机的 APP 也跟着节目进行互动。当消费者参与互动或一同游戏时,会获得电子优惠劵并储存在手机里。看完电视后,观众就可以拿这些优惠劵直接到实体店铺上门消费换取优惠,观众成为了消费者。
The concept of this model is as follows: the audience is watching TV in the living room and in the meantime opening the APP on the smart phone exclusive to this channel. The APP on the mobile phone provides interaction opportunities related with the programme while the major programmes and plot proceed. The consumers can obtain and store the E-coupon into their mobile phones if they participate in the interaction or joining in the game. The audience later could directly purchase items or service in the physical store with these coupons at a discounted price after watching TV. In this way, the audience becomes consumers.
听起来有些抽象吗?比如我可以一边看球赛,一边在手机上猜这次对决到底是谁赢,如果猜对了,系统就送你一张优惠劵,到时候就可以拿这张优惠卷去买东西啦。这就完成了从电视直播(on air),到线上互动(online),再到线下实体店消费(offline)的整个过程。
Does it sound somewhat abstract? For instance, I could make a guess about the winner via the mobile phone when I am watching a ball game. If I guessed it, the system would send me a coupon, which I later could use to purchase items. In this way, the direct transmission of television (on air), online interactions (online) and offline consumption in physical stores (offline) are smoothly linked.
与数字环境相结合,就可以实现观众的行为数据采集与分析。通过 O2O2O 模式,日视可获得各种优惠券的开启率、参与者的年龄层次和性别比例等资料,并进一步分析不同企划对特地族群的效果,以指导以后的节目与广告企划。
Combination with digital environment enables collection and analysis of data on the behaviors of audience. The O2O2O enables NTV to obtain various data including the utilization ratio of coupons and the age group and gender ratio of participants and further analyze the effect different plan projects could exert on specific groups, which can be used to guide programme orientation and advertising planning.
Compared with the audience rating, after long-term accumulation of data, purchase of specific goods resulting from the programme content will be increased and to the advertisers, the effect of advertising will be naturally more desirable. Besides, sufficient collection of mass data could naturally allow more detailed and effective analyses and derivation of related service business model.
O2O2O 的推出也帮助日视重新拉回日渐流失的年轻观众。事实上在 2012 年 11 月日视旗下的 JoinTV 频道上映了「新世纪福音战士」新剧场版第一集与第二集,并在智能手机上推出 APP 设计了一连串的社交互动机制,结果在网路上引起热烈讨论,并成功引导四分之一的观众实际进戏院消费观赏最新的新剧场版第三集「Q」。这次电视内容与智能手机实验性质的专案合作,让日视开始专注于发展 O2O2O 模式。
O2O2O has also helped NTV attract the young audiences again who have gradually lost interest in this channel. In fact, Join TV Channel, which is subordinate to NTV, released Episode I and II of the new theatrical version of “Neon Genesis Evangelion” in November 2012 and at the meantime launched APP for smart phones and designed a series of social interation mechanisms. As a result, this programme was widely discussed in the Internet and succussfully led one fourth of the audience to watch the paid Episode III “Q” of the new theatrical version in the theater. This special trial collaboration beteen TV content and smart phones makes NTV begin to focus on the development of O2O2O model.
最后令人好奇的是,O2O2O 会不会也开启了改变广告代理模式的业界生态呢?传统的电视广告代理业者都对日视的 O2O2O 模式感到非常好奇,他们普遍认为能参与 O2O2O 是一个很重要的营销噱头,广告的途径经由海量数据分析,同时通过电视与手机,精准引导消费者到店头消费确实会使未来电视广告的型态更加复杂多元。
It is interesting to see whether O2O2O model has also begun to change the industry ecology of advertising agency model. Traditional TV advertising agents all feel curious about the O2O2O model launched by NTV, who generally believe that O2O2O is an extremely important marketing stunt. The advertising means, summarized from the analysis of mass data, accurately leads consumers to purchase items or service in the physical stores via TV and mobile phones, which will further complicate and diversify the formats of TV advertisements in future.
From: The Iheima
Translated by Demi, CCJK Technologies Co.,Ltd.
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